le journal
the fawn aux fours à chaux

last summer (2013) eve chariatte et thibault maillard, both member of the collective of the stamm studio, worked together with the fawn, a rock-experimental band, for a special performance located in the "fours à chaux in st-ursanne".
stamm's opening

the opening of the stammstudio went very well, many people came, the newspapers said more than 400 people during the two days program!
how you, a subject, constitute yourself within a room
especially for the inauguration, anna jurczak (pl) wrote a text. it has been displayed in the space during the two days event.
Augurlike I try to read components of the institution in which I should be everyday, but am not. Many of the components are missing, others mutate and while everything is taking wing or settling down, it is difficult for me to augur the future. I refuse to see the gaps on the one hand and the rule outs on the other as signs. I wish to be able to predict a good future. [...]
sketches from vera

we want to share some of the studies, drawings and sketches gathered while building the identity of the stamm studio. here are vera trachsel's works!
the penguins

this is an old text i wrote in my first year in sndo in 2008 if i'm right. i hope you'll enjoy. thibault
It was on Friday. When the penguins were going into the 609. I mean, it was really astonishing how all of us looked like penguins only by the fact that the light was off. However, we were silent penguins. I don’t know why I thought about penguins, perhaps because of this spicy shadow in the room which forced us to walk groping around the smell of the others.
When you are groping around in the dark, you look really clumsy as much as a penguin hearing the sun on his iceberg: white and slippery like the most important painting of Malévitch. [...]
a place
this is one chapter of a work about ghosts. thibault
That's a one floor old monastery. That's an old boarding school. Argentina, 19xx, in Cordoba's province between Capilla del Monte and San Esteban.
The kid is around 7. They moved there when he was 4. Before they lived in Chile. His mum went a few times travelling to Argentina and Brazil to find this place; when she saw it she thought: [...]